Tuesday, 16 August 2016

Soccer Dribble

Room 11 and 12 have been learning how to dribble a soccer ball. We have to remember to look at the ball and use the inside of our foot. We try not to do big kicks but control the ball. At the end we have a competition to see who can do the biggest kick. The children are trying really hard and are improving their skills each time we practise.

Friday, 12 August 2016

Hearing Visitor

Today Room 11 and 12 had a visit from Carolynn, the Hearing Educator. She talked to us about how we need to protect our ears from loud sounds like loud music, lawn mowers and Speedway. She showed us some pictures of our ear and how we have tiny hairs inside that get damaged from loud sounds. Talk to your children about what is happening in the photos.

Monday, 8 August 2016

Keeping Ourselves Safe

We have been learning about how we can Keep Ourselves Safe. Constable Marshall came to talk to us about our different feelings. Here are some photos of the children looking at the different feelings faces.