Tuesday, 5 July 2016

Making Piupiu at Discovery Learning Time

On Friday mornings after morning tea, Room 11 and 12 get together for Discovery Learning Time. It is a learning time when we practise the Key Competences which help us to become independent thinkers and learners.  It is a time when we use our creativity and problem solve during activities and when we learn how to work along side and with other students.  It is a time when we respectfully ask for things we need to share with others.

Last Friday we made our own piupiu out of newspaper as part of our learning about the different cultures within our school community.  We finished off some of the art work that is now on display in the Art Exhibition in Rooms 13 and 14.  Everyone is invited to come into school anytime of the day to see the amazing art work the children in our school have created.