Friday, 19 February 2016

Incy Wincey Spider

After Junior Assembly, Room 11 were busy illustrating our Poem of the Week. Each week we try and choose a different way to illustrate our poem in a creative way. So that by the end of the year, we have a collection of beautiful art works. Today we used collage. Here are some photos of our work. Mrs Fritchley was proud of how they all looked different. 

Wednesday, 17 February 2016


Every afternoon Room 11 and Room 12 go swimming together. Mrs Neilson takes a group and Mrs Fritchley takes a group to practise our swimming skills. We are all learning things at our own pace. We are learning to blow bubbles, put our faces under, kick our legs and do our swimming arms. Mrs Neilson and Mrs Fritchley are proud of how confident we are getting in the water. After our skills practise we are have 5 minute swim to practise our skills on our own and with our friends. Here are some photos of us doing this.

Friday, 12 February 2016

Sea Week

This afternoon we were lucky to have some visitors from the National Aquarium in Napier. They shared some of the unusual creatures from the sea with us. The children were fascinated by the information they saw and heard. See if your child is able to remember some of the things about the creatures in the photos below.

Wednesday, 10 February 2016

Maths in Room 11

In Room 11 the children have been working in pairs to create different ways to show the numbers to 10. It was great to see the children working together, listening to each other and problem solving as they collected different materials from the classroom.  Here are some photos of what they came up with.